The tea tree oil MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

The MELALEUCA Tea Tree Natural Products on or THEIR OIL is a MIRACLE!

Melaleuca oil a wonderful . Discover  incomparable virtues of of  of  from .

Name (s) joint (s): Tea Tree Oil, Tea Tree.
Botanical name: Melaleuca alternifolia, Myrtaceae family.
Name (s) English: Tea tree.

Part (s) used (s): The leaves which takes an essential oil by distillation.
Habitat and origin: shrub or evergreen shrub confined to swampy areas of the northeast coast of Australia (New South Wales).

Indications: Their oil is used to prevent and treat infections of the skin and membranes, such as: treat acne and buttons – Arthritis – Burns andsunburn – Cuts and abrasions – Bruises –  – Muscle aches – Boils and  –  – excema-Zona-Psoriasis- -vaginal Infections – Fungal Infections – onychomycosis-’s foot-Plaque dental – Varicose veins Warts-it- gingivitis-dandruff.

The tea tree or Melaleuca oil from Australia is an extraordinary natural resource for our health.

Many scientific and medical research have recognized the therapeutic and hygiene of the essential oil of tea tree in Australia (and incorrectly named by Captain Cook) who has become a relatively recent addition, based on preparations pharmaceutical and natural antiseptic.
Natural relief for , cuts, bites, scratches and other minor injuries.

It helps to eliminate bacteria to promote the healing process. Penetrating -Provides benefits well below the upper layers of the skin. Soothing – Stopspain,  and itching.
Solvent it dissolves residue and acts as a natural cleanser and disinfectant.
Non-caustic does not irritate most skin types (those whose skin is extremely  may wish to dilute it in almond oil or olive oil).
Aromatic use the spray to provide a fresh herbal scent. Dr Penfold studied oil Their Dr A. R. Penfold was one of the first scientists to document the of Their alternifolia oil.

He noted that: « The results of these investigations have not only exceeded my expectations, but have given results which, in practice, are far from those projected … The germicidal effectiveness of the oil … is due to the unique natural blend of their diverse constituents. « Also in the composition of hygiene products and cosmetics.

Research to develop other applications, including agriculture.

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