ARGAN OIL NATURAL BIO OIL Properties – Virtues and Benefits
ARGAN OIL Natural… How argan oil fight Psoriasis-Baldness-Osteoarthritis-Rheumatism-burns-the heavy legs and other health problems?
ARGAN OIL natural treasure of vitality and health
Argan oil is a medicinal oil known since antiquity for its dermatological properties (care for skin conditions and hair).
100% organic argan oil for all fans of Alternative Medicine.
It is used pure or enriched with the possible addition of essential oils for massage revitalizing health, preventive and curative.
This oil is naturally rich in vitamin E and Omega-3 can be classified in the family of nutraceuticals.
This is a real concentrate of nature, sun and vitality.
In traditional medicine, argan oil deals mainly with:
– Stretch marks
– Brown Spots
– Burn (heat or sunlight)
Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis:
Psoriasis for up to 3% of the population. This is a skin condition usually locatedon the elbows, knees with frequent damage to the scalp.
Particularly unsightly, it results in the production of red patches covered withscales abundant, clean, dry and brittle.
Traditionally argan oil is used by the Berber tribes of southern Morocco to treat psoriasis.
The effects are remarkable and it is likely that this is due to the high vitamin E content of argan oil.
Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis
Argan Oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative rheumatic disease that occurs most often after age 50.
It affects the cartilage bones of the joint.
For reasons not yet fully understood the cartilage breaks down and forms of « sticking points » in contact with bone pain of the joint.
Care for osteoarthritis physiotherapy proven, especially if the massages are done with the argan oil to regenerative virtues recognized.
Learn more about the argan oil to heal and relieve rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain
Argan Oil in the fight against Hair Loss and Baldness

Hair loss affects both men and women. Its scientific name is alopecia.
From 20 years but most often after age 35, men can go up to a total baldness, though some women may also suffer from alopecia, especially after childbirth ormenopause.
Thanks to the strong regenerative power of its essential component, vitamin E,argan oil can treat problems of hair, both for the man to the woman.
Learn more about Argan Oil in the fight against psoriasis
The cosmetic properties:
Argan oil is rich in natural ingredients and active ingredients, omega 6, vitamin E, antioxidant, they play an important role in cell renewal. Argan oil is also saidargan argan oil reduces wrinkles and nourishes dry skin, it penetrates quicklythus avoiding to have a fat deposit, it is a dry oil. Argan oil promotes healing oftraces left by acne, chicken pox, pimples and other skin irritations or attackssuch as stretch marks, cracks and burns.
The benefits of argan oil for hair:
Used for hair care, argan oil in favor of strengthening and shine the hair dry, dulland fragile. All this naturally.
How to use argan oil on the hair?
To give strength and vitality to fragile hair, apply argan oil an hour beforeshampoo all over the hair, then wash and rinse .. Warning: Do not overdo it on the scalp or you’ll spend the bottle of shampoo!
Council for fragile hair:
To protect your hair from the drying effects of sun, sea salt, or chlorine, use arganoil by touching the hair styling.
Argan oil to combat stretch marks
Stretch marks are skin breaks. Essentially, it is women who are victims.
In particular, during the great changes that are physical puberty and pregnancy orslimming diets that follow one another.
Learn more about Argan Oil to combat stretch marks
Argan oil to combat dark spots
Brown spots on the face, neck, backs of hands and forearms are the result ofexposure to UV sunlight. These brown spots, also known as age spots,increases with age. However, they may appear in some subjects at 25 years.
Learn more about Argan Oil to combat dark spots
Argan oil to relieve tired legs

Prepare massage oil as well as before against rheumatism. Make touches on your legs with the palm and with your fingertips and let your hand glide over the entire leg.
Argan oil to allow for faster healing, soothe burns

Use your pure argan oil. The night before bed, apply directly to wounds, irritated areas or burns. That all your acts argan oil at night.
Argan Oil to restore circulation and return to fitness and vitality

Add to argan oil a few drops of essential oils of cinnamon, lemon and thyme.
Knead and mix your members (especially the legs) to penetrate deep into the dermis to allow better blood circulation, restore tone to your body and return tofitness and vitality.
Take your muscles regularly twist, firmly, slowly and then faster. This eliminatesmuscle tension, toxins and body fatigue states.
Finish by tapping to fully activate your blood circulation.