Tag: diabetes



Lemon Benefits

Lemon benefits What are the benefits and properties of the lemon and does our body react to it?

Lemon: Refreshing, antiseptic, astringent, toning, healing: lemon can be used for several purposes.
Fortunately, lemons are on sale all year. Here are some tips to enjoy every last drop.


The Lemon is rich in mineral salts and vitamin C, low in calories (35 calories per 100 grams). Lemon does not only add a great taste to food, but it also has many properties related to our health.

Skin Care

  • It helps you get a smoother skin. Do you have rough elbows, knees or heels? Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the lemon on the rough parts for a few minutes.
  • A piece of lemon applied to insect bites soothes the pain and itching within minutes.
  • For those with oily skin, or if you want to get rid of blackheads quickly, squeeze a lemon on a cotton then apply it on the affected areas. With it property as an astringent, lemon also helps to tighten pores.

Dental care

A recipe from Grandma: For whiter teeth, brush them twice a week with a mixture of neat lemon juice, lime and grapefruit juice. This solution also helps reduce tartar. However, you should avoid sucking directly from a lemon slice because of its concentration in citric acid harmful to dental enamel.


To give your hair a shiny aspect, rinse with a little lemon juice after shampooing.


Next time you have a headache, try lemon juice compresses or apply a few slices on your temples.


Aching feet? To relieve pain, rub the arch with lemon juice.



Its reputation being that it has antiseptic properties, it is used in many treatments against sore throat and can also lead to cures for hands. It is now being used more and more in cosmetics. It is used to lighten and even skin tone. It eliminates 30% of glucose in the blood, effective for diabetes.

Its juice helps to prevent mucus: lemon juice diluted in warm water avoids having a hoarse voice.

A sugar soaked in lemon juice is the most effective remedy against hiccups. Although the way it works is unknown, the effect is immediate, guaranteed, easily verified and safe.

The lemon in the kitchen

Natural antiseptic, lemon is known for its high content of vitamin C. It is a very natural way to enhance the flavor of food and also flavor soups, sauces, vegetables, desserts and sorbets. It replaces the vinegar in many salad dressings. Finally, we use it to marinate and tenderize white meat, poultry and fish.

Buying and storing

  • Always buy well round lemons, they are juicier than the oval-shaped ones. Choose the brightest yellow lemons, they contain more vitamins. Whole lemons can be stored in your refrigerator tray for about two weeks.
  • Wrap the lemons you opened in plastic and eat them as soon as possible. The lemon should be at room temperature for it to give its maximum juice. Roll it on a board or in your hands for a few minutes before squeezing it. Also, it will give more juice if you first heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Use the zest

Roughly grated, the zests are used in some soups and exotic dishes, desserts and delicate perfumes. It is also used in curries and in some classic stews. To grate the zest, use a fine grater, rub gently to avoid scratching the white skin that give a bitter taste.

A good tip

If you only need a few drops, drill a small hole in the fruit. Then, you can reseal it with a toothpick or wrap the lemon in plastic.

lemon benefits

A lemon tree in the house

If you want to grow a lemon tree at home, here’s how to do it from lemons you bought: keep the seeds moist for 24 h. Fill a pot of 10-15 cm and plant the seeds 2 cm deep. Keep the seeds moist during their germination. They will take about a month to germinate. They will grow well under fluorescent light or on the edge of a sunny window. Unfortunately, it won’t produce anything other than leaves. If you want to see a lemon tree blossom, you’ll have to buy it.

Plant care

Prepare a drained, rich, neutral, without excess water mixture. During growth, use a special citrus fertilizer, watering one time out of two; trim slightly in March and watch out for spiders, mealybugs and aphids.


In other applications

  • Lemon juice can be very useful to clean aluminum objects, and it is in fact in the composition of the mixture that is sold to clean the copper utensils.
  • It also appears that lemon juice has spermicide virtues because of its high acidity (pH lower than in the vagina). Studies are made to check if the lemon juice has an impact on AIDS.
  • Lemon juice can also be used as invisible ink. Just use its juice as ink, and then heat the sheet over a candle (not too close) to see the message.

Raw skinless lemon
(Nutrition per 100 g)
Water: 88.98 g total ash: 0.30 g fiber: 2.8 g energy: 29 kcal
protein: 1.10 g fat: 0.30 g Carbohydrates: 9.32 g Simple sugars: 2.50 g
Calcium: 26 mg Iron: 0.60 mg Magnesium: 8 mg Phosphorus: 16 mg
Potassium: 138 mg Copper: 0.037 mg Sodium: 2 mg Zinc: 0.06 mg
Vitamin C: 53.0 mg Vitamin B1: 0,040 mg Vitamin B2: 0,020 mg Vitamin B3: 0.100 mg
Vitamin B5: 0.190 mg Vitamin B6: 0.080 mg Vitamin B9: 0 mcg Vitamin B12: 0.00 mcg
Vitamin A: 22 IU Retinol: 0 mcg Vitamin E: 0.15 mg Vitamin K: 0.0 mcg
fat acids
Saturated: 0.039 g monounsaturated: 0.011 g polyunsaturated: 0.089 g Cholesterol: 0 mg


  • Lemon is also photosensitive. When you apply lemon juice on the skin, marks can appear after exposure to sunlight. There are two reactions: phototoxicity and photoallergy.
  • Lemon can also cause some burns to mucous membranes if its juice or essential oil is absorbed in too large quantities. The mucous membranes more prone to burned are the lining of the esophagus, stomach and more.





Many women seek to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. If hormone replacement therapy remains a common and effective treatment, more and more women are resorting to natural health products. However, as is the case for all health products, caution is required because of side effects sometimes occur.

The term menopause means etymologically « stop rules ». It is a natural process that does not occur suddenly. Considering that menopause has occurred in the absence of menstruation for a year. It is preceded by a period called pre-menopause. This period is shorter or longer. During this phase, the menstrual cycle is unstable heavy periods too long or too short. Other known symptoms of « premenstrual syndrome, congestive » are experienced bloating, mood swings, swollen and painful breasts, insomnia, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, etc.. Most women begin menopause late forties or early fifties, but it is quite normal that it occurs between 40 and 60.

Considering that menopause has occurred when a woman has not had a menstrual period for over a year and in the absence of any other problem or condition. The average life expectancy of Canadian women is approximately 81.5 years. The period after menopause now occupies over a third of the lives of women, more than thirty years.

Menopause is defined as the period during which the ovaries secrete increasing amounts of low and inconsistent for two or reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are potent regulators of brain function and emotional body and many women feel that this is particularly true during the premenstrual days.

Diseases associated with menopause:
Osteoporosis. At menopause, bone loss accelerates normal for a few years before returning to normal. Therefore, after menopause, women have a lower bone density than men Cardiovascular disorders.
The risk of cardiovascular disease increases after menopause. You are more at risk if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, if you have a history of high cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes.
There are other risk factors including smoking, early menopause and lack of exercise.After menopause, the risk level of women suffer from cardiovascular problems increased and reached that of men. In addition, taking hormone replacement increases the risk of cardiovascular
Urinary incontinence. After menopause, declining estrogen may cause atrophy of the muscles of the perineum. Drops of urine can escape when a force is well supplied, when we laugh, cough or during sex
Endometrial cancer and breast cancer. After the cessation of menstruation, there is an excess of estrogen in the body of the woman (stored mainly in adipose tissue), endometrial cells, can develop and accumulate, transforming itself with thetime, cancer cells. The risk of breast cancer is also increased.
Factors influencing the intensity of menopausal symptoms:
Cultural factors. Western women are more at risk than women of other origins have more pronounced symptoms. The severity of symptoms depends on many conditions in which menopause occurs. In North America, nearly 80% of women have symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes. But in Asia, they are only 20%.
This is largely explained by the diet. Indeed, an abundant consumption of soy products, a food that has a high content of phytoestrogens prevent the « de swaying » important and reduces the impact of hormonal imbalance and its symptoms. However, it is noted that genetic factors are involved, as demonstrated by studies of immigrant populations.
Psychological factors. Menopause occurs at a time of life often carries other changes: children leaving home, leaving the spouse with a younger, early retirement, etc.. Recognition of seniors as wise people often reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause … This leaves he heard that part of stress and psychological factors may be involved in the phenomenon? The attitude of mind deal with these changes will influence the intensity of symptoms.
Other factors. Lack of exercise and physical inactivity related to the severity of the symptoms of menopause.
The age at which menopause occurs is partly hereditary.
One hundred years ago, the average age of first menstruation was 16. Now it’s 12 years. Women became pregnant much younger, had more pregnancies, more and longer breastfeeding and had only 100 to 200 menstruating before menopause.
One hundred years later, women have fewer children, breastfeeding less time and less often and experiment from 300 to 400 periods during their working lives. Their hormonal system is idle, resulting in infertility, PMS, cancer, fibroids, menopause and migraine pain.
Estrogen and progesterone have somewhat opposite effects that allow them to remain in balance. If the level of progesterone decreases estrogen dominate causing a multitude of discomforts and ailments.

Diseases Associated with Menopause:

At menopause, bone loss accelerates normal for a few years before returning to normal. Therefore, after menopause, women have a lower bone density than menCardiovascular disorders. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases after menopause. You are more at risk if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, if you have a history of high cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes.

There are other risk factors including smoking, early menopause and lack of exercise.After menopause, the risk level of women suffer from cardiovascular problems increased and reached that of men. In addition, taking hormone replacement increases the risk of cardiovascularUrinary incontinence. After menopause, declining estrogen may cause atrophy of the muscles of the perineum. Drops of urine can escape when a force is well supplied, when we laugh, cough or during sexEndometrial cancer and breast cancer. After the cessation of menstruation, there is an excess of estrogen in the body of the woman (stored mainly in adipose tissue), endometrial cells, can develop and accumulate, transforming itself with thetime, cancer cells.

The risk of breast cancer is also increased.Factors influencing the intensity of menopausal symptoms:
Cultural factors. Western women are more at risk than women of other origins have more pronounced symptoms.

The severity of symptoms depends on many conditions in which menopause occurs. In North America, nearly 80% of women have symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes. But in Asia, they are only 20%.This is largely explained by the diet. Indeed, an abundant consumption of soy products, a food that has a high content of phytoestrogens prevent the « de swaying » important and reduces the impact of hormonal imbalance and its symptoms.

However, it is noted that genetic factors are involved, as demonstrated by studies of immigrant populations.

Psychological Factors.

Menopause occurs at a time of life often carries other changes: children leaving home, leaving the spouse with a younger, early retirement, etc.. Recognition of seniors as wise people often reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause …

This leaves he heard that part of stress and psychological factors may be involved in the phenomenon? The attitude of mind deal with these changes will influence the intensity of symptoms.
Other factors. Lack of exercise and physical inactivity related to the severity of the symptoms of menopause.The age at which menopause occurs is partly hereditary. One hundred years ago, the average age of first menstruation was 16. Now it’s 12 years.
Women became pregnant much younger, had more pregnancies, more and longer breastfeeding and had only 100 to 200 menstruating before menopause. One hundred years later, women have fewer children, breastfeeding less time and less often and experiment from 300 to 400 periods during their working lives.

Their hormonal system is idle, resulting in infertility, PMS, cancer, fibroids, menopause and migraine pain.
Estrogen and progesterone have somewhat opposite effects that allow them to remain in balance. If the level of progesterone decreases estrogen dominate causing a multitude of discomforts and ailments.

  • During menopause, some women just stop having periods. Others will experience symptoms for several years if no measures are taken to relieve symptoms.Change in the menstrual cycle. This is one of the first signs of menopause. This included an irregular menstrual periods, they may for example be closer together.Bleeding may also be more or less heavily than usual
  • Hot flashes. This is the most common symptom of menopause. They can be somewhat unpleasant, but can also become a major enough to affect the quality of sleep and daily life. Between 50 and 80% of menopausal women suffer to varying degrees. They usually last a few seconds up to an hour. More than a dozen episodes per day are often observed.
  • However, they are more frequent at night. They can occur for at least a year but rarely exceed five years for most women. Hot flashes are typically experienced so sudden, first in the abdomen or chest, and within seconds they rise to the head.The skin may become red and sweating become abundant, the breath is often accompanied by digestive problems and dizziness. Headache and palpitations, followed by chills may accompany
  • Tendency to insomnia. Insomnia related to menopause result of hot flashes at night that awaken menopausal women. Hot flashes and night disturbing sleep and weaken the body, sometimes dramatically. In such cases, post-menopausal women is fast becoming tired, irritable, depressed and prone to many ailments while all weaknesses are emerging
  • Problems with urinary tract infections. You will be more vulnerable to bladder infections after menopause.
  • Sometimes you can present without symptoms of infection, that is to say, feel the need to urinate often, feeling an urgent need to urinate, experience a burning sensation when urinating, be unable to to urinate or get up frequently at night to urinate.
  • Thinning of the vagina and vulva. Menopause causes thinning of the vaginal wall and the region of the vulva. The vagina loses its ability to produce lubrication during sexual arousal
  • Dry mucous membranes. Dryness of mucous vaginal and bladder tends to occur when it’s been over five years that menstruation has ceased. It takes a daily discomfort with itching, dryness, burning, which favors the occurrence of repeated vaginal infections. Besides all this makes sex painful and painful


Weight gain. Usually it is entre2 and 10 kg.

  • Fat cells convert hormones of the adrenal glands in female hormones. A slight weight gain, because it reduces the hormonal decline at menopause, is beneficial to health
  • Cognitive impairment. Disorders of memory or concentration, associated with menopause can be caused by insomnia
  • Decreased libido. Sexual desire is a complex human phenomenon, from a hormone, seems mostly driven by testosterone. Women also produce testosterone, although they produce less than men. It happens at the menopause, female testosterone production also decreases, although this is not a direct result of the cessation of menstruation
  • Mood disorders. Almost all women experience mood changes that may occur during a menstrual cycle. The cessation of menstruation may also cause similar problems: irritability, anxiety, emotions on edge, depressed. Note that if symptoms of depression occur, they should be treated separately
  • Changes in skin, hair and nails. Changes in the skin, hair and nails that occur around menopause often have other underlying causes, such as a thyroid slowdown.
  • The inconveniences that follow vary depending on the individual. They may also include headache, tinnitus, sensation of mist and flies before the eyes, chest tightness, an emotional instability. The increased presence of cellulite. The fabrics tend to lose their tone and become waterlogged.


Menopause happens to be a turning point in the life of a couple: physical and emotional changes affect the decline in sexuality. The only medical consideration is not sufficient to overcome this phenomenon. Psychological aspects have a direct impact on the libido.

Physiological changes

Menopause is the product of a lower production of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) for women leading to the cessation of menstruation, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, but regular reporting keeps the vagina in good health.

The erection was quickly put a few minutes before coming but once present, it will be established for long. Therefore, the attitude of the female partner is crucial to the rise of excitation in humans. The inactivity of women is unacceptable! The amount of semen ejaculated is less important and the power of expulsion. In addition, it is not uncommon after 60 years, a man must wait 24 hours to obtain a new erection.

But this does not explain everything: fear of hurting her partner brings the man to erectile dysfunction as it is important that the mechanisms that allow a good excitement is maintained and good communication in marriage . If however, the woman keeps vaginal dryness, lubricants are water-based non-fat

Psychological changes

There is a decrease in sexual desire in women by 50%. We mentioned the physiological changes that occur in the fall of the libido, but other factors also fall into play. The departure of children, work stoppage, down sometimes lead to depression, irritability. Moreover, diseases, surgery frequently leads to arrest of sex but there is also the opposite effect for a third of the women freed from a lot of trouble, they engage in erotic pleasures

The only physical problems do not explain the decrease of sexuality, the decline in confidence, of self-esteem, lack of activity directly affect the couple’s sexual activity.

DHEA: the key to improving older people’s sexuality?

DHEA is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body 18 to 45 years but productivity declines after a certain age. Taking DHEA leads to an increase in male hormones: testosterone. But the theory is far from being emulated in real life.Why? Just because the consequences of taking DHEA does not give linear results.

The sexuality of older people: more qualitative and quantitative

To adapt to this changing body, the pair must change their sexual practices: it is no longer to have 4 or 5-on but to take further provisions that will enable them confidently to establish a harmonious relationship and satisfactory.

In his youth, the man took the lead in lovemaking but the anime fire less because of lower testosterone. If all conditions are met, some women take the lead intuitive. They will agree to move their experience of sexuality in the relationship and sharing: developing the language that will bring physical pleasure, through a range of emotion.

We have placed great emphasis on the decline in female libido. But how women react to male impotence?

Coping with erectile dysfunction to their romantic partner is an ordeal for many women. They react according to their character but also the type of relationship they have with their spouse.

Natural health products used to relieve Symptoms of Menopause

Not all natural health products used for menopause that are approved by Health Canada. Some ingredients of these products, such as black cohosh, medicinal ingredients are approved by Health Canada to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Some products containing valerian, hops, St. John’s wort or lemon balm are approved for the relief of symptoms such as insomnia or nervousness.However, these symptoms may be associated with other health problems, including menopause.

In addition, published reports confirm that other ingredients such as dong quai, ginseng and evening primrose oil, are also used during menopause. Some of these ingredients may be present in a product registered as in an unlicensed product. The label of a natural health product approved by Health Canada has a Natural Product Number (NPN), a Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-HM) or a Drug Identification Number (DIN). To find out if a natural health product is licensed, or to know the recommended use or purpose, click on Database Licensed Natural Health Products (LNHPD) of Health Canada in the section

Possible side effects of natural health Products for Menopause

Clinical trials on humans very little information on the safety and efficacy of natural health products used to relieve symptoms of menopause. Many people mistakenly believe that these products are safe because they are natural. However, like other health products, natural health products can have serious side effects. Any substance, natural or synthetic, which acts on the body can pose a health risk.Therefore, use caution with natural health products to relieve symptoms of menopause. Some side effects associated with certain natural health products:

The black cohosh and kava are associated with rare cases of liver damage.
Some natural health products, such as St. John’s wort can interact with other medications, increasing the risk of harmful side effects.
Other products such as lemon balm, hops and valerian, used to reduce nervousness and induce sleep, should not be used if you plan to drive or operate heavy machinery. They can cause drowsiness, and their use with alcohol or other sedatives is not recommended.
Nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue and diarrhea are all common side effects of many health products including natural health products.
That’s why we must discuss the use of any natural health product or dietary supplement and health product of any prescription or nonprescription a health care professional.

Reducing risks

You can reduce the risk of adverse effects and ensure that the health products you choose are suitable for your symptoms by following these steps:

Discuss your symptoms and the risks and benefits of treatment with a healthcare professional, such as a physician, pharmacist or a practitioner of alternative medicine.
Please read the conditions and instructions and warnings on the product label.Also, check whether the product has a DIN, NPN or DIN-HM. Health Canada advises consumers to use only health products.
Pay attention to any reaction or interaction with other drugs you take. Report any side effects with your doctor.
See a doctor if your symptoms persist or worsen.
We invite you to report any adverse reaction or interaction involving a health product you are taking, including natural health products, medicines counter or prescription drugs, by calling toll-free provided the section

Regulations on Natural Health Products

Health Canada has responded to consumer concerns about the natural health products are safe, effective and high quality by adopting the Regulations on Natural Health Products, which requires that natural health products sold in Canada are approved.

The Regulations on Natural Health Products entered into force on 1 January 2004 and will be fully implemented by 31 December 2009. All natural health products have approved a NPN or DIN-HM. These numbers on the label indicate that the formulation, labeling and instructions for use of a product have been reviewed and approved. By 31 December 2009, some natural health products could still have an identification number (DIN) they were registered before 1 January 2004.

Health Canada’s Role

The Products Directorate (NHPD) of Health Canada has developed regulations to ensure that Canadians have access to natural health products are safe, effective and high quality while respecting freedom of choice and philosophical and diversity culture. The Regulations on Natural Health Products requires that all claims are supported by standards and determined that the products are manufactured according to good manufacturing practices in licensed establishments.

Directorate Health Products is leading the coordination and implementation of monitoring, evaluation and, if necessary, intervention regarding all types of marketed health products. Among these include the pharmaceutical and biological products, vaccines, medical devices, natural health products and radiopharmaceuticals.

Inspectorate Directorate Health Products and Food is the third partner in the natural health products. The role of the Inspectorate is to provide a national compliance monitoring and enforcement for all health products, while supporting a decision-making approach based on risk management. Its activities include compliance monitoring, such as market research, product sampling for laboratory analysis, site visits of manufacturing natural health products, checking compliance with respect to complaints about a product recalls and monitoring of customs supervision, surveys (eg. measures to gather evidence for prosecution) and laboratory analysis to determine the issues of identification and purity such as contamination or adulteration.

DARK CHOCOLATE – Effects and Benefits of on Health and its Benefits on our Arteries, three different studies, High pressure,Diabetes,Heart Artery

DARK CHOCOLATE Effects and Benefits of on Health and its Benefits on our Arteries, three different studies, HIGH PRESSURE, DIABETES, HEART ARTERY

Dark Chocolate is Good, also for the Arteries!

The benefits of dark chocolate on our roads

A U.S. study published on Saturday, dark chocolate improves their functioning.

This study confirms the medicinal properties of cocoa for the cardiovascular systemalready highlighted by other research.

With the approach of Easter, that’s news to your health, that will make you happy.According to a study published Saturday, dark chocolate improves the functioning of the arteries. Other research had so far already highlighted the medicinal propertiesof cocoa for the cardiovascular system. Without inviting the public to eat all chocolate, the researchers from Yale University (Connecticut), found the results of this study sufficiently compelling to justify a clinical trial, and larger over a long period among people selected at random.

« In this sample of nearly forty healthy adults, daily consumption of dark chocolate over a short period resulted in a marked improvement in the cellular function of the arteries and we believe that a longer trial might show more large positive effects, « explained the physician. The 39 people, men and women, who participated fully in the study of six weeks, were divided into three groups. The former consumed daily227 grams of unsweetened chocolate, the second of sweet dark chocolate and the third a placebo.

During this same period, the doctors measured before and after consumption ofportions assigned to each group, the capacity of the main artery of the arm to relaxto allow more blood flow. These measurements were made using an instrument ultrasonic high-frequency.

Same effect as aspirin

In both groups who consumed cocoa, the brachial artery of their ability to relax has improved significantly with 2.4% for subjects who took the non-sweet dark chocolate and 1.5% for others. But in the placebo group subject to the ability of their brachial artery to relax decreased by 0.8%. Flavonoids, powerful antioxidants which cocoa is rich, have already long been known for their effects on arterial dilators. They are also found in fruits, legumes and red wine.According to a study by Dr. Diane Becker, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore (Maryland,), published last November, a few squares of dark chocolate daily have taken the same effect as aspirin to reduce blood clottingand reduce the risk of blocked arteries responsible for many heart attacks.


The recent publication of a German study revealed the effect of chocolate on cardiovascular risk.

The medicinal properties of chocolate appeared in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This study, conducted by five pharmacologists from the University of Cologne, Germany, confirm its benefits in controlling hypertension.

This publication confirms and reinforces other studies on the subject: one of them and put in evidence that daily consumption of chocolate liquor (100 grams), rich in flavanols (family of polyphenols, which are found also in wine), decreased blood pressure.

But there was no evidence yet « what the effect might be small amounts of dark chocolate rich in cocoa and sugar and low in fat, » says Dr. Dirk Taubert, the study’s author.

This study, conducted between January 2005 and December 2006, was based on a batch of 44 adults (20 men and 24 women) aged 56-73 years and subject to a prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension. Two groups were made.

One group ate two squares of chocolate every day containing 30 milligrams of polyphenols. The second group has meanwhile ate white chocolate, devoid of polyphenols, substances classified as having Antioxia properties dilate the arteries.

The experiment was based on a period of eighteen weeks.

The group has tasted of dark chocolate daily showed a decrease in blood pressure and without weight gain. This experience has demonstrated a significant reduction in the prevalence of hypertension: 18% (from 86 to 68%). The group « white » has meanwhile seen any changes in the prevalence of hypertension. For example, a blood pressure of 14 / 9 would be reduced to 13.7 / 88.

This study demonstrates that dark chocolate reduces the risk of dying from a stroke (8%) or cardiac (5%).
Other recent studies including one published in the journal in February 2007 and US Pharmacist conducted by researchers in California revealed that dark chocolate without sugar was acting on the muscle tone of the wall of the brachial artery.

Another dating from November 2006 and presented to the meeting of the American Heart Association by Dr. Diane Becker assured the daily intake of several grams of dark chocolate a similar effect to aspirin to reduce blood clotting.

On the other aprt, Dr. Norman Hollenberg has shown, following the ingestion of chocolate liquor, an increase in cerebral blood flow of people of fifty years in good health.

The growing scientific evidence and for the healing of dark chocolate.

According to Dr. Kelm Malta, author of a 2005 study on its effects in smokers, « the cocoa rich in flavanols, can significantly improve an important part of cardiovascular health in a population with an already known risk of cardiovascular disease  »

The benefits of cocoa, however, are not new: traditionally used by the Kuna Indians of Panama, they show no signs of hypertension.

But cocoa has other virtues to its credit: against bad cholesterol with oleic acid, stearic acid, and phytosterols, constipation and stress.


The chemical properties of chocolate are complex. It contains over 300 substances, including caffeine and small amounts of the obromine which is a weaker stimulant. Another stimulant phenylethylamine chemically related to amphetamines, it also found.

At the annual meeting of the European Society of Sexology held in December in London, Dr. Andrea Salonia, an Italian researcher, reported a link between sexual satisfaction and chocolate. He said the chocolate loving women seem to have a better love life. Groups that are compared, however, heterogeneous, 120 women ina middle-aged 35 years and about thirty of them in the other group and middle-agedabove 40 years.

One of the known claims about chocolate is that it can contribute to aggravate acne.This seems to be reversed by two studies, one conducted at the University of Pennsylvania where a group of acne patients received chocolate and the other a placebo taste of chocolate acne was neither improved nor has worsened. The other study on 80 people with acne who consummated either chocolate or abstained from eating. After a month, observation showed no changes in acne from one group to another.

Other researchers have shown that high levels of phenols chocolate products, also found in red wine may help prevent coronary disease.

According to a recent article in the British Medical Journal 100 g of dark chocolate daily reduces blood pressure by 5 mm Hg, the reduction in blood pressure corresponding to a reduction of cardio vascular events by 21%.




Crédits photo : Kathy Willens/AP

A very interesting study about … chocolate! Greed when you hold us …

Seriously, a German study conducted by the team of Professor Dirk Taubert of the University of Cologne has just been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study aimed to shed light on the medicinal properties often attributed to chocolate, and know « what effect might have small amounts of dark chocolate rich in cocoa and low in sugar and fat » on the hypertension. It was conducted on 44 people for some of them pre-hypertension and stage 1 hypertension for others. Two groups were formed. Was given to the first group twosquares of dark chocolate containing 30 mg of polyphenols for 18 weeks, and white chocolate in the second group. White chocolate contains no cocoa, so nopolyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. After 18 weeks of experimentation, the group who ingested a regular dark chocolate had a slight decrease in blood pressure (hypertension 68% instead of 86% before the experiment), without weight gain, while the second group did not experience change in blood pressure.

Dark chocolate rich in cocoa polyphenols therefore, low in sugar and fat therefore reduces slightly hypertention without the risk of gaining weight.

Have fun by doing good, what’s better? And in BienManger, when it comes to have fun, we answer this! Dive into our universe dark chocolate, you’ll find it every time!

To learn more about the benefits of chocolate and the study of Professor Dirk Taubert, I invite you to visit the following pages:

Article published online by the journal The Figaro

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men

PANTOCRIN VELVET ANTLER  Sexual Benefits – Natural SEX Enhancer for Men





Its History

The use of deer antlers or pantocrin velvet antler  in medical care dates back over 2000years. The word « antler » itself derives from the Latin « ante oculae » which can betranslated as « before the eyes. »
The use of velvet antler dates back to the Han Dynasty, from 206 BC to 220 AD. The first evidence of the widespread use of velvet antler in medicine, was found on a roll of silk, dating from 168 BC and found inside a tomb in Hunan, China. Later in the six teenth century many preparations such as velvet antler pills, tinctures and ointment shave been recorded in the book Medical Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu.

But only 30 years from the first attempts at scientific research on the therapeutic efficacy of velvet antler were conducted by Russian scientists and pharmacists. As a result, more than 100 articles were published on the subject. Since then, hundreds of articles have been published in China, Korea, Japan, Russia, New Zealand and Canada.

In the 70 doctors Takikawa and they found that the Pantocrin Kajihara, accelerating the healing process of damaged neural tissues.

In 1988, probably one of the most important property of the velvet antler was discovered by Japanese scientists Wang & Associates, which they found that velvet antler has anti-aging.

In 1999, the use of velvet antler has been supported by clinical research because of its beneficial effects in treating arthritis. However, the empirical use suggests several therapeutic properties including immune stimulation, the anti-aging, rejuvenating and protective and beneficial effects on blood flow.

In North America this product has been known for only a decade. Today, the international market for velvet antler is growing due to the fact that more and more people are turning to natural medicine.




The main benefits of Velvet Antler Reversal of Aging and Rejuvenation: Reducing signs of aging, improving memory, increasing the mass of muscle mass and bone density, increased testosterone, decreased activity oxidation in the liver and brain and increasing the protein content of the liver are among the main effects of Pantocrin.
Recent studies in Russia and Japan show that the use of Pantocrin promotes the production of human growth hormone, which reverses the aging process in the body.Basically, Pantocrin alter metabolism significantly.
Increases libido and sexual performance: Pantocrin increases circulation in the reproductive organs and stimulates the production of testosterone and its metabolites. It turns out to be an effective remedy against impotence, as well as to increase libido and sexual performance in general.
Many benefits have been noted by post menopausal women in addition to a significant reduction of stress and improve intimacy.
Regeneration of heart muscle: Pantocrin improves circulation and avoiding metabolism of heart muscle fatigue may result from chronic hypertension, disorders of the circulation, ischemia, diabetes and prolonged psychological stress.
Lowering blood pressure: Pantocrin increases the dilation of peripheral blood vessels and thus lowers blood pressure. Extract Pantocrin edge against the effect of previously administered adrenaline. Velvet antler acts on the neurotransmitter responsible for inhibition and cardiac vasodilation.
Blood Production: Pantocrin cutter is effective in controlling anemia and may increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the tests body based.
Pantocrin or Velvet antler have shown an increased production of red blood cells and blood cells whites in smaller quantities. Pantocrin facilitates oxygen uptake by the liver, brain, kidneys and endocrine system.
Fight against stress: Pantocrin is effective in the treatment of mental and muscular fatigue, asthenia, neuroses, stress-related disorders, loss of immune and hypotension.
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis by increasing bone density, the Pantocrin prevents pathological fractures, caused by osteoporosis, 50% women and 20% men.
Post-traumatic bone reconstruction: Pantocrin increases the level of glucose in the bones and promotes a more rapid deposition of calcium salts and phosphate in bone and cartilage.
Anti-Arthritis Remedy: Pantocrin is known to reduce arthritis symptoms while stimulating growth and tissue healing.
Post surgical recovery and significant acute infectious disorders: Pantocrin is invaluable during convalescence during which it speeds up the recovery process of muscle mass.
Strengthening the immune system: Pantocrin injections stimulate the phagocytic function of macrophages. Pantocrin increases the amount of red and white blood cells in the blood and, thus, strengthens the immune system against the risk of infection.
Anticancer activity: Research has shown that velvet antler may have anti-tumor effects against certain forms of cancer cells.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Pantocrin has very good anti-inflammatory qualities had its ability to stimulate production of white blood cells that helps fight against infections.
Protection of liver: Pantocrin helps protect the liver against damage caused by carbon tetrachloride.
Reduction of cholesterol: Pantocrin can cause cholesterol to be filtered from the blood, increasing levels of kidney but thereby lowering levels elsewhere. It is very important that all high cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for heart disease.

An inexhaustible resource

It is important to note that the antlers are a renewable natural resource. Generally, anydeer is killed for its antlers as new antlers grow with each new season. The term « velvet antlers » refers to the living tissue of wood growth of deer, including red deer,as well as elk. Velvet antler is harvested when it reaches two or three branches and is still covered in velvet.

The tip of the antler is the most effective because it contains themost active substances.

Velvet antler is a main constituent of Deer Antler Plus. A powerful stimulant made ​​in USA male, now available in Europe.