Tag: vinegar



Lemon Benefits

Lemon benefits What are the benefits and properties of the lemon and does our body react to it?

Lemon: Refreshing, antiseptic, astringent, toning, healing: lemon can be used for several purposes.
Fortunately, lemons are on sale all year. Here are some tips to enjoy every last drop.


The Lemon is rich in mineral salts and vitamin C, low in calories (35 calories per 100 grams). Lemon does not only add a great taste to food, but it also has many properties related to our health.

Skin Care

  • It helps you get a smoother skin. Do you have rough elbows, knees or heels? Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the lemon on the rough parts for a few minutes.
  • A piece of lemon applied to insect bites soothes the pain and itching within minutes.
  • For those with oily skin, or if you want to get rid of blackheads quickly, squeeze a lemon on a cotton then apply it on the affected areas. With it property as an astringent, lemon also helps to tighten pores.

Dental care

A recipe from Grandma: For whiter teeth, brush them twice a week with a mixture of neat lemon juice, lime and grapefruit juice. This solution also helps reduce tartar. However, you should avoid sucking directly from a lemon slice because of its concentration in citric acid harmful to dental enamel.


To give your hair a shiny aspect, rinse with a little lemon juice after shampooing.


Next time you have a headache, try lemon juice compresses or apply a few slices on your temples.


Aching feet? To relieve pain, rub the arch with lemon juice.



Its reputation being that it has antiseptic properties, it is used in many treatments against sore throat and can also lead to cures for hands. It is now being used more and more in cosmetics. It is used to lighten and even skin tone. It eliminates 30% of glucose in the blood, effective for diabetes.

Its juice helps to prevent mucus: lemon juice diluted in warm water avoids having a hoarse voice.

A sugar soaked in lemon juice is the most effective remedy against hiccups. Although the way it works is unknown, the effect is immediate, guaranteed, easily verified and safe.

The lemon in the kitchen

Natural antiseptic, lemon is known for its high content of vitamin C. It is a very natural way to enhance the flavor of food and also flavor soups, sauces, vegetables, desserts and sorbets. It replaces the vinegar in many salad dressings. Finally, we use it to marinate and tenderize white meat, poultry and fish.

Buying and storing

  • Always buy well round lemons, they are juicier than the oval-shaped ones. Choose the brightest yellow lemons, they contain more vitamins. Whole lemons can be stored in your refrigerator tray for about two weeks.
  • Wrap the lemons you opened in plastic and eat them as soon as possible. The lemon should be at room temperature for it to give its maximum juice. Roll it on a board or in your hands for a few minutes before squeezing it. Also, it will give more juice if you first heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Use the zest

Roughly grated, the zests are used in some soups and exotic dishes, desserts and delicate perfumes. It is also used in curries and in some classic stews. To grate the zest, use a fine grater, rub gently to avoid scratching the white skin that give a bitter taste.

A good tip

If you only need a few drops, drill a small hole in the fruit. Then, you can reseal it with a toothpick or wrap the lemon in plastic.

lemon benefits

A lemon tree in the house

If you want to grow a lemon tree at home, here’s how to do it from lemons you bought: keep the seeds moist for 24 h. Fill a pot of 10-15 cm and plant the seeds 2 cm deep. Keep the seeds moist during their germination. They will take about a month to germinate. They will grow well under fluorescent light or on the edge of a sunny window. Unfortunately, it won’t produce anything other than leaves. If you want to see a lemon tree blossom, you’ll have to buy it.

Plant care

Prepare a drained, rich, neutral, without excess water mixture. During growth, use a special citrus fertilizer, watering one time out of two; trim slightly in March and watch out for spiders, mealybugs and aphids.


In other applications

  • Lemon juice can be very useful to clean aluminum objects, and it is in fact in the composition of the mixture that is sold to clean the copper utensils.
  • It also appears that lemon juice has spermicide virtues because of its high acidity (pH lower than in the vagina). Studies are made to check if the lemon juice has an impact on AIDS.
  • Lemon juice can also be used as invisible ink. Just use its juice as ink, and then heat the sheet over a candle (not too close) to see the message.

Raw skinless lemon
(Nutrition per 100 g)
Water: 88.98 g total ash: 0.30 g fiber: 2.8 g energy: 29 kcal
protein: 1.10 g fat: 0.30 g Carbohydrates: 9.32 g Simple sugars: 2.50 g
Calcium: 26 mg Iron: 0.60 mg Magnesium: 8 mg Phosphorus: 16 mg
Potassium: 138 mg Copper: 0.037 mg Sodium: 2 mg Zinc: 0.06 mg
Vitamin C: 53.0 mg Vitamin B1: 0,040 mg Vitamin B2: 0,020 mg Vitamin B3: 0.100 mg
Vitamin B5: 0.190 mg Vitamin B6: 0.080 mg Vitamin B9: 0 mcg Vitamin B12: 0.00 mcg
Vitamin A: 22 IU Retinol: 0 mcg Vitamin E: 0.15 mg Vitamin K: 0.0 mcg
fat acids
Saturated: 0.039 g monounsaturated: 0.011 g polyunsaturated: 0.089 g Cholesterol: 0 mg


  • Lemon is also photosensitive. When you apply lemon juice on the skin, marks can appear after exposure to sunlight. There are two reactions: phototoxicity and photoallergy.
  • Lemon can also cause some burns to mucous membranes if its juice or essential oil is absorbed in too large quantities. The mucous membranes more prone to burned are the lining of the esophagus, stomach and more.


NATURAL PRODUCTS KILL HEAD LICE Natural Infallible Recipe for « Kill Head Lice » with the oil of tea tree Melaleuca

NATURAL PRODUCTS KILL HEAD LICE Natural Infallible Recipe for « Kill Head Lice » with the oil of tea tree Melaleuca




Treatment non-toxic lice cons # 1:
2 parts olive oil
1 part white vinegar to equal 1 / 2 cup
20 drops of Tea tree oil
20 drops of essential oil lavender
10 drops of essential oil of rosemary

Mix thoroughly and saturate hair with the solution.
Save the rest for the night. Let sit overnight and wash in the morning. Paint with a comb lice to be sure to remove the nits, which can be attached to the axis of the hair.




Treatment non-toxic # 2 against lice
¾ cup hot water
20 drops Melaleuca oil Their tea tree ,
Mix with shampoo and apply directly to hair and let sit 2 shampoos rubbing the hair length from top to bottom if it’s a long hair except let it rest on a hair short at least 10 to 15 minutes
(More applications repeatedly until you are sure the lice and nits have completely disappeared)
It is an alternative treatment that has been tried and proven.

Around the House:

The bedding and towels should be washed with hot water and soap, wool hats with borax and water as hot, soapy water and dried at least 20 minutes in the dryer to be sure that all the nits on the hair fell and killed.
Vacuum all surfaces where children lie or play (including toys). Discard the bag.
Routinely wipe clean with warm water and melaleuca oil any surface « all the places used in everyday life, blankets, sheets, pillows mettrent simply quarantined for 10 to 14 days after all have vacuumed.
Remember, never apply synthetic chemical poisons says pesticide in places frequented the arcades, on toys or furniture surfaces. Store all other exposed items in bags for 2 weeks or dry clean. Do not forget to vacuum the car and all the furniture (upholstered).
Wipe your hand or discard all objects which have traveled slow, hair clips, grooming combs, brushes, carefully follow the movements nits or lice traveled, combs, scissors, use a magnifying glass or a light Scottish bright. Then disinfect by soaking these items and other hair ornaments, combs and brushes in boiling water with some drops of tea tree oil.

Fully test all family members at the same time and treat only those infected and then everyone without exception!
At school each child should be examined in the morning before having leave to return to class by someone experienced in the examination of hair to see if there are any lice, nits, or eggs of all at a time. Whoever checks the condition of hair will do it with sticks lice (usually these are wooden sticks and cheap as you throw in a plastic bag that you seal off and discard) – a new pair of sticks for each child is paramount. It is certain that the review applied to a child with fingers is a good way to spread lice or nits on another person immediately whether a child or an adult.

Children with lice should be sent home to be treated urgently.

Children’s clothing (hats, scarves, and coats) should be separately bagged, not hung side by side, using plastic bags, until all children are disinfected for at least two weeks.

Ensure that things like « clothing is not shared, because lice like hats, combs, brushes and love permeate all equipment like batting helmets, headphones, music, it should never be shared in emergencies by an infestation of lice.


APPLE CIDER – Benefits Apple Cider Vinegar NATURAL PRODUCT to Lose Weight

APPLE CIDER HEALTH – Benefits Apple Cider Vinegar NATURAL PRODUCT to Lose Weight


The benefits of apple cider vinegar

APPLE CIDER : It was considered previously cider vinegar as an elixir of youth. It was used to clean, preserve food, disinfect. We also drank in small sips. Now, what are its real virtues?

Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples. The resulting juice is aged in oak barrels for a period of 10 to 12 months at a controlled temperature. This manufacturing method will give a pure cider vinegar to 100%. There are also market some industrial vinegars made in 48 hours. These vinegars may contain artificial colors and preservatives. What are its real virtues?

Miracle food?
Several medicinal properties attributed to cider vinegar. Let’s be realistic and still believe that food just like everyone else. Apple cider vinegar can at best improve your health, but its use will not cure you of all your ills.

Apple cider vinegar possess interesting nutrients. Among others, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, silicon and boron in varying amounts. They say it helps digestion, cleanses the urinary tract, helps reduce the bad calcium deposits, etc.. Externally, it would act as a balm for skin diseases and itching feet. It could also be used against sore throats (gargle with it) or inhalation (after boil) to get rid of headaches.

If you decide to try.
Consumption of cider vinegar do not instantly get rid of your health problems.But if you decide to use it, it is very important to obtain a beneficial effect, taking it daily. It is advisable to do so before the morning meal at rate of 1 to 2 tablespoons soup a day or as your tolerance. You can eat it in its pure form or diluted in water or juice. If heartburn occurs, stop use for some time. People with heartburn should be very careful so as not to aggravate the irritation. Do not eat it if you have stomach ulcers.

In sum, the cider vinegar can bring you benefits. It fits well with a diet high in fiber, healthy and balanced. But remember to review your diet and eliminate some of the foods that may cause you health problems (sweets, coffee, chocolate, fried) otherwise the cider vinegar will possibly little effect. re
Hair tonic
It makes hair very shiny and rigorous.
To be used at the very end of rinsing. (A glass)
The rinse water may be cold and the hair will be even more shine.
You can use a conditioner

BOOKS about apple cider vinegar

The MICRO GRAFTING Hair has now become an effective technique and Estheticians ALL KNOW on Hair Grafts: Techniques micrograft – Implants Hair Implants and Hair

The MICRO GRAFTING Hair has now become an effective technique and Estheticians ALL KNOW on Hair Grafts: Techniques micrograft – Implants Hair Implants and Hair

MICRO HAIR Transplants from Dagnostic to Outcome.

All hair fall … it’s normal.  They fall in a cyclical manner, each passing through three phases: birth .. Life … death … like anything alive.


This cycle occurs 20-30 times in the life of a man. IIt is normal to find hair on the pillow or on the edge of the tub.
But hair loss is abnormal, pathological, and ultimately when the accelerating pace of these cycles, the 30 rings are « eaten » too fast … and baldness because hair falls out, not repel, their capital  » renewal « has been completely exhausted.

This accelerating cycle of hair is hereditary, and under the influence of certain hormones, it is called androgenetic alopecia.

Some hair falls definitively: the level of temporal gulfs, the top of the skull or the tonsure.   Some hair never fall: at the temples, the crown of the neck because there, the hair is « hormonally protected, they grow and grow throughout life. The idea of transplanting hair is naturally born of this scientific finding: we’re going to migrate hair « eternal » to the deserted areas.

The intervention of micro hair transplant


Micro hair transplantation is a technique of reimplantation of hair and their bulbs on hairless areas or who have lost their hair density.  The hair from areas of the scalp well supplied (ie the « Hippocratic wreath »). This provides a good resistance to the action of testosterone as they retain their initial quality of life, despite their relocation.

Preoperative consultation

It is essential for the establishment of a trusting relationship between patient and doctor and the choice of intervention to consider.
The doctor asks the patient to know their expectations, concerns, but also more conventionally medical history and family.
Clinical examination of the patient’s doctor will determine the donor area and, or, area (s) recipient (s), and the number of grafts required in the light of the scalability of baldness, the number of meetings and the result that the patient wants.

The doctor will articulate the patient what is possible and what is not to arrive at a reasonable strategy and aesthetically successful in the short, medium and long term.The patient will receive a detailed estimate and a document detailing all the risks inherent in this type of surgery.


This was done in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia and under conditions of hygiene and safety required by any surgery.
The hair is taken from the back of the skull form of a strip which is immediately sent to the team specially trained to cut out the tiny grafts (1 and 2 hair). At the same time, the doctor stitches the donor area, leaving only a thin scar hidden by hair. Then he realized micro-incisions finally hosting micro-grafts.
It thus reimplanted 1000-3000 grafts. The procedure lasts on average 4-


The suites are not painful, apart from a feeling of tension of the scalp sometimes accompanied by edema passenger.
Small bleeding may occur, but it is not necessary to make dressing.

The shampoos can be made the next day on the untreated areas. The treated areas will be rinsed gently with the jet and can be washed after 48 hours.
The end result will be visible after a few months until the hair eventually relocated to fall again and a full cycle of growth.

About the Author: Guy Menahem specializes in hair transplants: techniques and implants micrografts hairimplants hairhair transplant.


HEALTH NATURAL PRODUCTS to be Healthy – To Promote Beauty, Health and Well-being using Natural Products



Health Natural Products – Organic and Ecological Products
Ecology – Family – Finance – Advice Welfare Shop – 
Business Opportunity at Home

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Reports that the « Chemicals » Toxic found at Home
are three times more likely to cause cancer
than outdoor atmospheric pollutants.

If your health and the environment is important to you – you are on the appropriate website. HEALTH NATURAL PRODUCTS to be Healthy
Preserving our lives and our children’s – who are exposed to chemicals every day – is starting to get more and more people worried. These people are looking for solutions.
How many of these problems affect you or people you know?

Problems such as:
, Asthma, Hypertension (or High blood pressure), Urinary tract infection (UTI), Croons’ disease, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Menopause, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Osteoporosis, Prostate problems, Hyperactivity, Eczema and many more.
Theses problems are affecting more people everyday.

Take time to read the following text
It could change your life, your child’s or your loved one’s.

Did you know that:

The dishwashing liquid is the principal reason of poisonings at home (most brands contain formaldehyde and ammonia).

  • Some cleaning products are harmful and responsible for diseases as asthma, headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc…

  • In Quebec, it is said that approximately 50.000 cases of intoxication per year are because of cleaning products and in more than 75% of the cases, children of less than 6 years are involved.

  • Cosmetic products such as eye shadows, cheek powders and lipsticks contain carcinogenic ingredients.

  • After a 15 years study, the National association of cancer concluded that the women who work at home have 54% more risks to develop a cancer than the women who work outside.

  • The cancer rate increased radically since 1901, going from 1 out of 8.000, to 1 out of 3 today!
    In 2010, this disease will affect 1 person out of 2!

  • The Department of the Environment noted that the air inside our house can be 3 to 70 times more chemically polluted than the outside air.

According to the report of the United States House of Representatives, among the chemicals found in the products of personal care:
884 are toxic
146 cause tumors
218 are involved in the complications with the reproductive system
314 cause biological modifications
376 cause skin and eyes irritations
According to the Cancer prevention Coalition, the principal products that cause cancer include:
Baby powders
The anti tartar toothpaste
Cleaning powders
Hair coloring products
Hair conditionner
The supermarkets brands often use harmful chemical products like:
Alkaline detergent
And many more
There are ecological and effective natural alternatives like:

Oil of tea plant (also called Melaleuca)
Natural enzymes
Natural surfactants
Extract of sugar cane
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other natural ingredients…
Extracted from cane with sugar
Bicarbonate of soda
Solvents with citrus fruits
And many other ingredients naturally that


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